simAssimp Plugin API reference

Plugin for importing CAD files



Description Exports the specified mesh data.
Lua synopsis simAssimp.exportMeshes(table allVertices, table allIndices, string filename, string formatId, float scaling=1.0, int upVector=simassimp_upvect_z, int options=0)
Lua parameters
allVertices (table): A table containing tables of vertices (one table entry per mesh)
allIndices (table): A table containing tables of indices (one table entry per mesh)
filename (string): The filename including its extension
formatId (string): see simAssimp.getExportFormat
scaling (float, default: 1.0): The desired mesh scaling.
upVector (int, default: simassimp_upvect_z): The desired up-vector (see simAssimp.upVector)
options (int, default: 0): Export flags (256=silent)
Lua return values
Python synopsis simAssimp.exportMeshes(list allVertices, list allIndices, string filename, string formatId, float scaling=1.0, int upVector=simassimp_upvect_z, int options=0)


Description Exports the specified shapes. Depending on the fileformat, several files will be created (e.g. myFile.obj, myFile.mtl, myFile_2180010.png, etc.)
Lua synopsis simAssimp.exportShapes(int[] shapeHandles, string filename, string formatId, float scaling=1.0, int upVector=simassimp_upvect_z, int options=0)
Lua parameters
shapeHandles (table of int): The handles of the shapes to export
filename (string): The filename including its extension
formatId (string): see simAssimp.getExportFormat
scaling (float, default: 1.0): The desired mesh scaling.
upVector (int, default: simassimp_upvect_z): The desired up-vector (see simAssimp.upVector)
options (int, default: 0): Export flags (1=drop textures, 2=ignore colors, 4=drop normals, 8=export only visible, 256=silent, 512=coordinates relative to first shape's frame)
Lua return values
Python synopsis simAssimp.exportShapes(list shapeHandles, string filename, string formatId, float scaling=1.0, int upVector=simassimp_upvect_z, int options=0)


Description Offers export parameters via dialog, before calling simAssimp.export
Lua synopsis simAssimp.exportShapesDlg(string filename, int[] shapeHandles)
Lua parameters
filename (string): The filename (including extension) of the CAD data
shapeHandles (table of int): The handles of the shapes to export
Lua return values -
Python synopsis simAssimp.exportShapesDlg(string filename, list shapeHandles)


Description Allows to loop through supported file formats for export
Lua synopsis string formatDescription, string formatExtension, string formatId = simAssimp.getExportFormat(int index)
Lua parameters
index (int): Zero-based index
Lua return values
formatDescription (string): The description of the file format at the specified index, or an empty string
formatExtension (string): The file extension of the file format at the specified index, or an empty string
formatId (string): The file format ID at the specified index (needed when exporting), or an empty string
Python synopsis string formatDescription, string formatExtension, string formatId = simAssimp.getExportFormat(int index)


Description Allows to loop through supported file formats for import
Lua synopsis string formatDescription, string formatExtension = simAssimp.getImportFormat(int index)
Lua parameters
index (int): Zero-based index
Lua return values
formatDescription (string): The description of the file format at the specified index, or an empty string
formatExtension (string): The file extension of the file format at the specified index, or an empty string
Python synopsis string formatDescription, string formatExtension = simAssimp.getImportFormat(int index)


Description Imports the specified files as mesh data
Lua synopsis table allVertices, table allIndices = simAssimp.importMeshes(string filenames, float scaling=0.0, int upVector=simassimp_upvect_auto, int options=0)
Lua parameters
filenames (string): The filenames (semicolon-separated), including their extensions
scaling (float, default: 0.0): The desired mesh scaling. 0.0 for automatic scaling
upVector (int, default: simassimp_upvect_auto): The desired up-vector (see simAssimp.upVector)
options (int, default: 0): Import flags (8=do not optimize meshes, 16=keep inditical vertices, 32=one mesh per file, 128=ignore up vector coded in fileformat (e.g. Collada), 256=silent)
Lua return values
allVertices (table): A table containing tables of vertices (one table entry per mesh)
allIndices (table): A table containing tables of indices (one table entry per mesh)
Python synopsis list allVertices, list allIndices = simAssimp.importMeshes(string filenames, float scaling=0.0, int upVector=simassimp_upvect_auto, int options=0)


Description Imports the specified files as shapes
Lua synopsis int[] shapeHandles = simAssimp.importShapes(string filenames, int maxTextureSize=512, float scaling=0.0, int upVector=simassimp_upvect_auto, int options=0)
Lua parameters
filenames (string): The filenames (semicolon-separated), including their extensions
maxTextureSize (int, default: 512): The desired maximum texture size (textures will be scaled)
scaling (float, default: 0.0): The desired mesh scaling. 0.0 for automatic scaling
upVector (int, default: simassimp_upvect_auto): The desired up-vector (see simAssimp.upVector)
options (int, default: 0): Import flags (1=drop textures, 2=ignore colors, 4=ignore transparency, 8=do not optimize meshes, 16=keep identical vertices, 32=generate one shape per file, 64=shapes have aligned orientations, 128=ignore up vector coded in fileformat (e.g. Collada), 256=silent)
Lua return values
shapeHandles (table of int): Handles of imported shapes
Python synopsis list shapeHandles = simAssimp.importShapes(string filenames, int maxTextureSize=512, float scaling=0.0, int upVector=simassimp_upvect_auto, int options=0)


Description Offers import parameters via dialog, before calling simAssimp.import
Lua synopsis int[] handles = simAssimp.importShapesDlg(string filename)
Lua parameters
filename (string): The filename (including extension) of the CAD data
Lua return values
handles (table of int): The handles of the imported shapes
Python synopsis list handles = simAssimp.importShapesDlg(string filename)


Constants used in the various functions. Refer to each constant using enumName.constantName, i.e. simUI.curve_type.xy for xy constant in simUI.curve_type enum.


auto: The up vector is automatically picked
z: The up vector is along the file's Z-coordinate
y: The up vector is along the file's Y-coordinate