simOpenTextEditorOpens a text edition window. The C version of this function opens a modal window C++ synopsischar* simOpenTextEditor(const char* initText, const char* xml, int* various)
XML example<editor title="Window title" editable="true" searchable="true"
tabWidth="4" textColor="50 50 50" backgroundColor="190 190 190"
selectionColor="128 128 255" size="800 600" position="100 100" >
<keywords1 color="152 0 0" >
<item word="sim.getObject" autocomplete="true"
calltip="int handle=sim.getObject(string path)" />
<item word="sim.getObjectPosition" autocomplete="true"
calltip="double[3] pos=sim.getObjectPosition(int handle,
int relHandle)" />
<keywords2 color="220 80 20" >
<item word="sim.getObjectOrientation" autocomplete="true"
calltip="double[3] euler=sim.getObjectOrientation(int handle,
int relHandle)" />