
Opens a text edition window


int handle = sim.textEditorOpen(string initText, string properties) int handle = sim.textEditorOpen(string initText, string properties)


  • initText: initial text to be displayed.
  • xml: XML description of the text editor's properties. Can be an empty string for default properties

Return values

  • handle: handle of the text editor

XML Example

<editor title="Window title" editable="true" searchable="true" tab-width="4" toolbar="false" statusbar="false" resizable="true" modal="false" on-close="callbackFunction" closeable="true" position="100 100" size="800 600" placement="absolute" font="Courier" font-size="14" activate="false" editable="true" line-numbers="true" max-lines="0" lang="lua" wrap-word="false" text-col="50 50 50" background-col="190 190 190" selectionColor="128 128 255" comment-col="0 140 0" number-col="220 0 220" string-col="255 255 0" character-col="255 255 0" operator-col="0 0 0" identifier-col="64 64 64" preprocessor-col="0 128 128" keyword1-col="152 0 0" keyword2-col="220 80 20" keyword3-col="0 0 255" keyword4-col="152 64 0"> <keywords1> <item word="sim.getObject" autocomplete="true" calltip="int handle=sim.getObject(string path)" /> <item word="sim.getObjectPosition" autocomplete="true" calltip="float[3] pos=sim.getObjectPosition(int handle, int relHandle)" /> </keywords1> <keywords2> <item word="sim.getObjectOrientation" autocomplete="true" calltip="float[3] euler=sim.getObjectOrientation(int handle, int relHandle)" /> </keywords2> </editor> placement attribute recognizes following values: center, absolute and relative

See also: