
Retrieves the pose of an object


list pose = sim.getObjectPose(int objectHandle, int relativeToObjectHandle = sim.handle_world) float[7] pose = sim.getObjectPose(int objectHandle, int relativeToObjectHandle = sim.handle_world)


  • objectHandle: handle of the object. Combine with sim.handleflag_wxyzquat to retrieve the quaternion as [qw qx qy qz] order instead of [qx qy qz qw] order. Can also be combined with sim.handleflag_reljointbaseframe (see next argument)
  • relativeToObjectHandle: indicates relative to which reference frame we want the pose. Specify sim.handle_world to retrieve the absolute pose, sim.handle_inverse to retrieve the inverse of the absolute pose, sim.handle_parent to retrieve the pose relative to the object's parent, or an object handle relative to whose reference frame we want the pose. If this handle is the handle of a joint, then the pose relative to the joint's moving frame will be returned (unless objectHandle is combined with sim.handleflag_reljointbaseframe, in which case the pose relative to the joint's base frame will be returned).

Return values

  • pose: pose array: [x y z qx qy qz qw]

See also: