
Adds a drawing object that will be displayed in the scene. Drawing objects are containers that hold several items of a given type. This can be used for several different applications (simulation of paint, simulation of welding seam, display of 3D objects, etc.). Drawing objects created in a simulation script will be automatically removed at simulation end


int drawingObjectHandle = sim.addDrawingObject(int objectType, float size, float duplicateTolerance, int parentObjectHandle, int maxItemCount, list color = None) int drawingObjectHandle = sim.addDrawingObject(int objectType, float size, float duplicateTolerance, int parentObjectHandle, int maxItemCount, float[3] color = nil)


  • objectType: a drawing object type combined with attributes
  • size: size of the item (width of lines or size of points are in pixels, other sizes are in meters
  • duplicateTolerance: if different from 0.0, then a call to simAddDrawingObjectItem will only add the item if there is no other item within duplicateTolerance distance. Useful to avoid adding a too high density of points, is however not appropriate when using a large number of points (slower operation). Applicable only for single vertex items.
  • parentObjectHandle: handle of the scene object where the drawing items should keep attached to (if the scene object moves, the drawing items will also move), or -1 if the drawing items are relative to the world (fixed)
  • maxItemCount: maximum number of items this object can hold. 0 uses a default size of 1000.
  • color: default color (3 rgb values). Can be None/nil

Return values

  • handle of the drawing object

See also: