
A CoppeliaSim plugin is a shared library that can be loaded via the loadPlugin API function, on demand. It allows CoppeliaSim's functionality to be extended by user-written functions (in a similar way as with add-ons). The language can be any language able to generate a shared library and able to call exported C-functions.

Plugins are usually used to customize the simulator and/or a particular simulation. Often, plugins are only used to provide a simulation with custom script commands, and so are used in conjunction with scripts. Other times, plugins are used to provide CoppeliaSim with a special functionality requiring either fast calculation capability (scripts are most of the times slower than compiled languages) or an interface to a hardware device (e.g. a real robot).

Each plugin is required to have at least the simInit entry point, other entry points are optional:

#include <simLib/simExp.h> #include <simLib/simTypes.h> SIM_DLLEXPORT int simInit(SSimInit* info); SIM_DLLEXPORT void simMsg(SSimMsg* info); SIM_DLLEXPORT void simCleanup(); SIM_DLLEXPORT void simInit_ui(); // called immediately after simInit SIM_DLLEXPORT void simMsg_ui(SSimMsg_ui* info); SIM_DLLEXPORT void simCleanup_ui(); // called immediately before simCleanup

*_ui entry points are exclusively called by the UI thread, while the other entry points are called by the simulation thread.

A plugin shoud be named "sim<name>-<version>" (with the version information being optional), e.g. "simIK-2-1" for the name and "" for the file on Linux. The plugin should be placed in <coppeliaSim executable>. It can then be loaded via Lua with e.g.:

--lua simIK = loadPlugin('simIK-2-1')

It is however good practice and more flexible to wrap the load procedure inside of a module of its own, e.g.:

--lua local simIK = loadPlugin('simIK-2-1') function simIK.anotherFunction() print('a pure Lua function') end return simIK

Above module should have the same name as the plugin it is loading (e.g. "simIK-2-1.lua") and placed in <coppeliaSim executable>/lua. From a script (Python or Lua), the desired functionality, including version, can then be loaded with e.g.:

#python def sysCall_init(): simIK = require('simIK-2-1') --lua function sysCall_init() simIK = require('simIK-2-1') end

For more information on plugins, refer to following repositories:

  • simSkeleton: represents a plugin template that is easy to understand. Convenient for small projects.
  • simSkel: similar to simSkeleton above, but where a lot of redundant code is automatically generated. Ideal for larger projects.
  • simVision: a plugin that handles specific vision tasks (e.g. simulation of LIDAR sensors, or simulation of an omnidirectional camera).
  • simBubble: illustrates how to add customized script functions and how to handle several specific models. Refer also to the related plugin tutorial.
  • simROS: the ROS package allowing you to build the ROS Interface for CoppeliaSim.
  • simROS2: the ROS 2 package allowing you to build the ROS 2 Interface for CoppeliaSim.
  • simMTB: illustrates a Qt plugin which integrates a robot language interpreter (or other emulator) into CoppeliaSim. Refer also to its related tutorial.

  • CoppeliaSim plugins may be published under any license.