
An add-on is a script running in CoppeliaSim, that can act in a similar way as a plugin: it is automatically loaded at program start-up, and allows CoppeliaSim's functionality to be extended by user-written functionality or functions; it persists across all opened scenes, and is executed constantly, effectively running in the background. Add-ons can run threaded or non-threaded, should be segmented into several system callback functions, and follow a precise execution order in relation to other script types. They share a lot of properties with the sandbox. Add-ons can be accessed via [Menu bar > Modules].

Add-ons should be written in a text file located in <CoppeliaSim folder>/addOns/ directory, with the extension indicating the language (<> or <name.lua>). Other add-ons can still be loaded and run via command line options.

By default, add-ons will automatically start when CoppeliaSim starts, e.g.:

#python def sysCall_init(): print("Executing the initialization section. Starting together with CoppeliaSim") def sysCall_addOnScriptSuspend(): print("Ending... (triggered by the user)") return {'cmd': 'cleanup'} # end this add-on. The cleanup section will be called def sysCall_cleanup(): print("Executing the clean-up section") --lua function sysCall_init() print("Executing the initialization section. Starting together with CoppeliaSim") end function sysCall_addOnScriptSuspend() print("Ending... (triggered by the user)") return {cmd='cleanup'} -- end this add-on. The cleanup section will be called end function sysCall_cleanup() print("Executing the clean-up section") end

An add-on can also be manually started and stopped from the add-on menu, e.g.:

#python '''luaExec -- Here we have a special Lua section: function sysCall_info() return {autoStart = false} end ''' def sysCall_init(): print("Executing the initialization section. Start triggered by the user") def sysCall_addOnScriptSuspend(): print("Ending... (triggered by the user)") return {'cmd': 'cleanup'} # end this add-on. --lua function sysCall_info() return {autoStart = false} end function sysCall_init() print("Executing the initialization section. Start triggered by the user") end function sysCall_addOnScriptSuspend() print("Ending... (triggered by the user)") return {cmd = 'cleanup'} -- end this add-on. end

An add-on can also be suspended/resumed from the add-on menu, e.g.:

#python ... def sysCall_addOnScriptSuspend(): print("Suspending the add-on... (triggered by the user)") def sysCall_addOnScriptResume(): print("Resuming the add-on... (triggered by the user)") ... --lua ... function sysCall_addOnScriptSuspend() print("Suspending the add-on... (triggered by the user)") end function sysCall_addOnScriptResume() print("Resuming the add-on... (triggered by the user)") end ...

An add-on can also act as a simple function triggered by the user, e.g.:

#python '''luaExec -- Here we have a special Lua section: function sysCall_info() return {autoStart = false} end ''' def sysCall_init(): print("Executing the initialization section. Start triggered by the user") # execute some functions here, e.g. import something return {'cmd': 'cleanup'} # end this add-on. --lua function sysCall_info() return {autoStart = false} end function sysCall_init() print("Executing the initialization section. Start triggered by the user") -- execute some functions here, e.g. import something return {cmd = 'cleanup'} -- end this add-on. end

An add-on can also display a customized name in the Modules' menu, e.g.:

#python '''luaExec -- Here we have a special Lua section: function sysCall_info() return {menu: 'Exporters\nMy exporter'} end ''' def sysCall_init(): ... --lua function sysCall_info() return {menu = 'Exporters\nMy exporter'} end function sysCall_init() ... end