The user manual is included in the downloadable CoppeliaSim packages

CoppeliaSim User Manual

Version 4.9

The robotics simulator CoppeliaSim, with integrated development environment, is based on a distributed control architecture: each object/model can be individually controlled via an embedded script, a plugin, ROS / ROS2 nodes, remote API clients, or a custom solution. This makes CoppeliaSim very versatile and ideal for multi-robot applications. Controllers can be written in C/C++, Python, Java, Lua, Matlab or Octave.

Following are just a few of CoppeliaSim's applications:

  • Simulation of factory automation systems
  • Remote monitoring
  • Hardware control
  • Fast prototyping and verification
  • Safety monitoring
  • Fast algorithm development
  • Robotics related education
  • Product presentation
  • CoppeliaSim can be used as a stand-alone application or can easily be embedded into a main client application: its small footprint and elaborate API makes CoppeliaSim an ideal candidate to embed into higher-level applications. The Lua or Python script interpreter makes CoppeliaSim an extremely versatile application, leaving the freedom to the user to combine the low/high-level functionalities to obtain new high-level functionalities.

    A good way to get a quick start with CoppeliaSim is to have a look at the tutorial section first.

    Refer also to CoppeliaSim's overview description in other languages: English, Deutsch (German), Français (French), Italiano (Italian), Español (Spanish), Türkçe (Turkish), Português (Portugues), 日本語 (Japanese), 한국어 (Korean), 简体中文(simplified Chinese), 繁体中文(traditional Chinese).