Executes an object motion using the Ruckig online trajectory generator, by performing interpolations between two poses. The function can operate by handling 4 motion variables (x,y,z and
angle between the two poses), or a single movement variable (t, which requires a metric to be specified for distance
calculation between the two poses). This function can only be called from a script running in a thread, since this is a blocking
dict data = sim.moveToPose(dict params)
table data = sim.moveToPose(table params)
- params: parameters of the function:
- pose: mandatory if neither object nor ik are specified. Specifies current pose
- object: mandatory if neither pose nor ik are specified. Specifies the handle of the object to move
- ik: mandatory if neither pose nor object are specified. Contains IK-relevant informations, if a kinematic chain should move via IK to a target:
- tip: specifies the handle of the tip object (on the end-effector)
- target: specifies the handle of the target object (the object to reach)
- base: optional. Specifies the handle of the base object (the base of the kinematic chain). Defaults to -1
- joints: optional. Specifies the handles of the joints involved in IK calculations. Defaults to all joints within tip and base
- method: optional. Specifies the resolution method. Defaults to simIK.method_damped_least_squares
- damping: optional. Specifies the resolution damping. Defaults to 0.02
- iterations: optional. Specifies the max. number of iterations. Defaults to 20
- constraints: optional. Specifies the constraints. Defaults to simIK.constraint_pose
- precision: optional. Specifies the desired precision. Defaults to [0.001, 0.5 * math.pi / 180.0]
- allowError: optional. Specifies whether a resolution with precision values over what is allowed will be applied anyway. Defaults to params.ik.allowError
- breakFlags: optional. Specified the reasons-flags required for simIK.handleGroup to fail Defaults to 0
- targetPose: specifies the target pose
- targetVel: optional. Specifies the target velocity. Defaults to [0, ...] if omitted
- flags: optional. Ruckig flags, -1 for default flags.
- metric: optional. A metric to compute a pose-pose distance. If omitted, the motion calculation happens in the 4-dimensional space (dim = 4: x, y, z, angle), otherwise it happens in the 1-dimensional space (dim = 1: t)
- maxVel: optional if neither maxAccel nor maxJerk are specified. Specifies the maximum allowed velocity as a vector with one value per dim. Defaults to [inf, ...] if omitted
- minVel: optional. Specifies the minimum allowed velocity as a vector with one value per dim. Defaults to -maxVel if omitted
- maxAccel: optional if neither maxVel nor maxJerk are specified. Specifies the maximum allowed acceleration as a vector with one value per dim. Defaults to [inf, ...] if omitted
- minAccel: optional. Specifies the minimum allowed acceleration as a vector with one value per dim. Defaults to -maxAccel if omitted
- maxJerk: optional if neither maxVel nor maxAccel are specified. Specifies the maximum allowed jerk as a vector with one value per dim. Defaults to [inf, ...] if omitted
- callback: optional. Callback function called for each motion step. The argument provided to the callback function is the current motion state
- auxData: optional. Data to be forwarded to the callback function
- timeStep: optional. The desired time step size. A value of 0 indicates that the current simulation time step is used. Defaults to 0 if omitted
Return values
- data: current motion state
See also: