
Reads the image of a vision sensor. The returned data doesn't make sense if sim.handleVisionSensor wasn't called previously


bytes image, list resolution = sim.getVisionSensorImg(int sensorHandle, int options = 0, float rgbaCutOff = 0.0, list pos = [0, 0], list size = [0, 0]) buffer image, int[2] resolution = sim.getVisionSensorImg(int sensorHandle, int options = 0, float rgbaCutOff = 0.0, pos = {0, 0}, size = {0, 0})


  • sensorHandle: handle of the vision sensor
  • options: options, bit-coded:
    • bit0 set (1): the returned image will by a greyscale image (1 byte per pixel), otherwise an RGB image
    • bit1 set (2): the returned image will have one additional byte per pixel, as alpha channel (RGBA or greyscale+A)
  • rgbaCutOff: when an RGBA image is returned, the alpha component is 255 for all depth values below rgbaCutOff, and 0 for all depth values above rgbaCutOff. 0.0 corresponds to the near clipping plane, 1.0 to the far clipping plane
  • pos: position of the image portion to retrieve. Default is [0 0]
  • size: size of the image portion to retrieve. Default is [0 0], which corresponds to [resolutionX resolutionY]

Return values

  • image:the image buffer. Use sim.unpackUInt8Table to obtain an array of integer values
  • resolution: the vision sensor resolution

See also: