Property strings
App properties (target is sim.handle_app)
addOnPath (string, not writable): - Add-on path
- App arg. 1
- App arg. 2
- App arg. 3
- App arg. 4
- App arg. 5
- App arg. 6
- App arg. 7
- App arg. 8
- App arg. 9
appPath (string, not writable): - Application path
- Browser enabled
canSave (bool, not writable): - Whether save operation is allowed in given state
- Console verbosity
consoleVerbosityStr (string, not readable): - Console verbosity string, only for client app
defaultPython (string, not writable): - Default Python interpreter
defaultRotationStepSize (double): - Default rotation step size
defaultTranslationStepSize (double): - Default translation step size
- Dialog verbosity
dialogVerbosityStr (string, not readable): - Dialog verbosity string, only for client app
- Display enabled
dongleID (string, not writable):
dongleSerial (string, not writable):
execUnsafe (bool, not writable): - Execute unsafe
execUnsafeExt (bool, not writable): - Execute unsafe for code triggered externally
flavor (int, not writable): - Flavor
headlessMode (int, not writable): - Headless mode (0: not headless, 1: GUI suppressed, 2: headless library)
- Hierarchy enabled
- Desired maximum rendering frames per second, when simulation is not running
importExportPath (string): - Import/export path
legacyMachineId (string, not writable): - Legacy machine ID
luaPath (string, not writable): - Lua path
machineID0 (string, not writable):
machineID1 (string, not writable):
machineID2 (string, not writable):
machineID3 (string, not writable):
machineIDX (string, not writable):
machineId (string, not writable): - Machine ID
machineSerial (string, not writable):
machineSerialND (string, not writable):
- Model path
mujocoPath (string, not writable): - MuJoCo path
notifyDeprecated (int, not writable): - Notify deprecated API (0: off, 1: light, 2: full)
- OS
processCnt (int, not writable): - Overall processes
processId (int, not writable): - Process ID
productVersion (string, not writable): - Product version (string)
productVersionNb (int, not writable): - Product version (number)
protocolVersion (int, not writable): - Protocol version
pythonPath (string, not writable): - Python path
qtVersion (int, not writable): - Qt version
randomFloat (double, not writable): - Random number
- Random quaternion
resourcePath (string, not writable): - Resource path
sandboxLang (string, not writable): - Default sandbox language
- Scene path
sceneTempPath (string, not writable): - Scene temporary path
sessionId (string, not writable): - Session ID
settingsPath (string, not writable): - Settings path
statusbarVerbosity (int): - Statusbar verbosity
statusbarVerbosityStr (string, not readable): - Statusbar verbosity string, only for client app
systemPath (string, not writable): - System path
tempPath (string, not writable): - Temporary path
Scene properties (target is sim.handle_scene)
- Scene acknowledgment
ambientLight (color (float[3])): - Ambient light
bullet.collisionMarginScaling (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
bullet.computeInertias (bool): - Refer to engine's documentation
bullet.internalScalingFull (bool): - Refer to engine's documentation
bullet.internalScalingValue (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
- Refer to engine's documentation
- Refer to engine's documentation
- Dynamics enabled
- Selected dynamics engine index and version
dynamicsStepSize (double): - Dynamics step size
engineProperties (string): - Engine properties as JSON text
- Lock scene and models after next scene save operation
- Gravity
hierarchyChangeCounter (int, not writable): - Counter of scene hierarchy changes
mujoco.actuationEnable (bool): - Refer to engine's documentation
- Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.autoresetEnable (bool): - Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.balanceInertias (bool): - Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.boundInertia (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.boundMass (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.ccd_iterations (int): - Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.ccd_tolerance (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.computeInertias (bool): - Refer to engine's documentation
- Refer to engine's documentation
- Refer to engine's documentation
- Refer to engine's documentation
- Refer to engine's documentation
- Refer to engine's documentation
- Refer to engine's documentation
- Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.energyEnable (bool): - Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.equalityEnable (bool): - Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.eulerdampEnable (bool): - Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.frictionlossEnable (bool): - Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.gravityEnable (bool): - Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.impratio (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
- Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.invdiscreteEnable (bool): - Refer to engine's documentation
- Refer to engine's documentation
- Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.kinematicBodiesInertia (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.kinematicBodiesMass (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.kinematicBodiesOverrideFlags (int): - Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.limitEnable (bool): - Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.ls_iterations (int): - Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.ls_tolerance (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
- Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.midphaseEnable (bool): - Refer to engine's documentation
- Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.multithreaded (bool): - Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.nativeccdEnable (bool): - Refer to engine's documentation
- Deprecated. See mujoco.mbmemory instead.
- Deprecated. See mujoco.mbmemory instead.
mujoco.noslip_iterations (int): - Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.noslip_tolerance (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
- Deprecated. See mujoco.mbmemory instead.
mujoco.passiveEnable (bool): - Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.rebuildTrigger (int): - Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.refsafeEnable (bool): - Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.sdf_initpoints (int): - Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.sdf_iterations (int): - Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.sensorEnable (bool): - Refer to engine's documentation
- Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.tolerance (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.viscosity (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.warmstartEnable (bool): - Refer to engine's documentation
- Refer to engine's documentation
newton.computeInertias (bool): - Refer to engine's documentation
- Refer to engine's documentation
newton.exactSolver (bool): - Refer to engine's documentation
newton.highJointAccuracy (bool): - Refer to engine's documentation
- Refer to engine's documentation
newton.multithreading (bool): - Refer to engine's documentation
objectCreationCounter (int, not writable): - Counter of created scene objects
objectDestructionCounter (int, not writable): - Counter of destroyed scene objects
objectHandles (int[], not writable): - Handles of all scene objects
ode.computeInertias (bool): - Refer to engine's documentation
- Refer to engine's documentation
- Refer to engine's documentation
ode.internalScalingFull (bool): - Refer to engine's documentation
ode.internalScalingValue (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
ode.quickStepEnabled (bool): - Refer to engine's documentation
ode.quickStepIterations (int): - Refer to engine's documentation
orphanHandles (int[], not writable): - Handles of all orphan scene objects
pauseSimulationAtError (bool): - Pause simulation on script error
pauseSimulationAtTime (bool): - Pause simulation when simulation time exceeds a threshold
realtimeModifier (double): - Real-time multiplication factor
realtimeSimulation (bool): - Real-time simulation
removeNewObjectsAtEnd (bool): - Remove new scene objects at simulation end
- Reset scene to initial state at simulation end
saveCalculationStructs (bool): - Save operation also saves existing calculation structures
sceneIsLocked (bool, not writable): - Scene is locked
- Scene path
sceneUid (int, not writable): - Scene unique identifier
sceneUidString (string, not writable): - Scene unique identifier string
selectionHandles (int[]): - Handles of selected scene objects
- Show contact points
simulationState (int, not writable): - Simulation state
simulationTime (double, not writable): - Simulation time
- Speed modifier
stepCount (int, not writable): - Counter of simulation steps
- Simulation steps per frame
- Simulation time step
- Time at which simulation should pause
- Currently active visibility layers
- Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.computeInertias (bool): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.constraintsAngularCompliance (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.constraintsAngularDamping (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.constraintsAngularKineticLoss (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.constraintsLinearCompliance (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.constraintsLinearDamping (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.constraintsLinearKineticLoss (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
- Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.multithreading (bool): - Refer to engine's documentation
Scene object common properties (target is a scene object)
- Scene object alias
bbHSize (vector[3], not writable): - Bounding box half sizes
bbPose ( pose, not writable): - Bounding box local pose
calcLinearVelocity (vector[3], not writable): - Calculated scene object linear velocity vector
calcRotationAxis (vector[3], not writable): - Calculated scene object rotation axis
calcRotationVelocity (double, not writable): - Calculated scene object rotation velocity
- Scene object cannot be deleted while simulation is not running
cannotDeleteInSim (bool): - Scene object cannot be deleted while simulation is running
childOrder (int, not writable): - Child order
- Collapsed hierarchy
collectionSelfCollisionIndicator (int): - Collection self collision indicator
- Collidable
- Scene object is invisible for the depth buffer during a click operation
- Detectable
- Scene object DNA
dynamicFlag (int, not writable): - Dynamic flag
dynamicIcon (int, not writable): - Dynamic icon
- Scene object is not part of a parent model's bounding box
- Hierarchy color index
ignoreViewFitting (bool): - View fitting is ignored for this scene object
- Visibility layer
- Measurable
modelAcknowledgment (string): - Model acknowledgment
- Model base flag, indicates the scene object is the base of a model
modelInvisible (bool, not writable): - Inherited model invisibility
modelNotCollidable (bool): - Model is not collidable
modelNotDetectable (bool): - Model is not detectable
- Model is not dynamic, i.e. model is static
modelNotInParentBB (bool): - Model is invisible to other model's bounding boxes
modelNotMeasurable (bool): - Model is not measurable
modelNotRespondable (bool): - Model is not respondable
- Model is not visible
modelPropertyFlags (int): - Model flags, redundant
modelScriptsNotActive (bool): - Model scripts are not active
- Alternate rotation axes enabled
- Alternate translation axes enabled
- Preferred X-axis rotation
- Preferred Y-axis rotation
- Preferred Z-axis rotation
- Preferred X-translation
- Preferred Y-translation
- Preferred Z-translation
- Rotation enabled when simulation is running
- Rotation enabled when simulation is not running
- Translation enabled when simulation is running
- Translation enabled when simulation is not running
movementOptionsFlags (int): - Scene object movement flags
movementPreferredAxesFlags (int): - Preferred axes flags (redundant)
movementRelativity (int[]): - Movement relativity, linear and angular
movementStepSize (double[]): - Linear and angular step sizes
objectPropertyFlags (int): - Scene object flags, redundant
objectType (string, not writable): - Scene object type
objectUid (long long int, not writable): - Scene object unique identifier
parentHandle (int, not writable): - Parent scene object handle
parentUid (long long int, not writable): - Parent scene object unique identifier
persistentUid (string, not writable): - Scene object persistent unique identifier
- Scene object local pose
- Scene object is invisible during a selection operation
- Selecting the scene object instead selects the parent model
- Scene object is selectable
- Selection state
visible (bool, not writable): - Whether the scene object is currently visible
Shape properties (target is a shape)
applyCulling (bool, not readable): - Enables/disables culling for all contained meshes
applyShadingAngle (double, not readable): - Applies a shading angle to all contained meshes
applyShowEdges (bool, not readable): - Enables/disables edges for all contained meshes
bullet.angularDamping (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
bullet.autoShrinkConvexMeshes (bool): - Refer to engine's documentation
bullet.customCollisionMarginConvexEnabled (bool): - Refer to engine's documentation
bullet.customCollisionMarginConvexValue (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
bullet.customCollisionMarginEnabled (bool): - Refer to engine's documentation
bullet.customCollisionMarginValue (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
bullet.friction (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
bullet.frictionOld (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
bullet.linearDamping (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
bullet.restitution (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
- Refer to engine's documentation
centerOfMass (vector[3]): - Center of mass, relative to the shape's reference frame
convex (bool, not writable): - Whether the shape's components are all convex or not
dynAngularVelocity (vector[3], not writable): - Rotational velocity, as transmitted by the physics engine
dynLinearVelocity (vector[3], not writable): - Linear velocity, as transmitted by the physics engine
- Shape is dynamic, i.e. not static
engineProperties (string): - Engine properties as JSON text
flipFaces (bool, not readable): - Flips faces of all contained meshes
- Inertia tensor, relative to the shape's reference frame
initAngularVelocity (vector[3]): - Initial rotational velocity
initLinearVelocity (vector[3]): - Initial linear velocity
- Special flag mainly used for MuJoCo static shapes that move and need to transmit a friction
- Mass
meshes (int[], not writable): - Mesh handles
- Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.adhesionctrl (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.adhesionctrlrange (double[]): - Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.adhesionforcelimited (int): - Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.adhesionforcerange (double[]): - Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.adhesiongain (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
- Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.friction (double[]): - Refer to engine's documentation
- Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.gravcomp (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
- Refer to engine's documentation
- Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.solimp (double[]): - Refer to engine's documentation
- Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.solref (double[]): - Refer to engine's documentation
newton.angularDrag (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
newton.fastMoving (bool): - Refer to engine's documentation
newton.kineticFriction (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
newton.linearDrag (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
newton.restitution (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
newton.staticFriction (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
ode.angularDamping (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
- Refer to engine's documentation
ode.linearDamping (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
- Refer to engine's documentation
- Refer to engine's documentation
- Refer to engine's documentation
- Quaternion of the principal moment of inertia, relative to the shape's reference frame
principalMomentOfInertia (double[], not writable): - Principal moment of inertia, relative to pmiQuaternion
- Shape will transmit a collision force
- Respondable mask
setToDynamicWithParent (bool): - Shape will be made dynamic if it receives a parent
startInDynSleepMode (bool): - Start in sleep mode
vortex.adhesiveForce (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.angularNormalAxisFollowPrimaryAxis (bool): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.angularNormalAxisFrictionModel (int): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.angularNormalAxisFrictionValue (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.angularNormalAxisSlide (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.angularNormalAxisSlip (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.angularNormalAxisStaticFrictionScale (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.angularPrimaryAxisFrictionModel (int): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.angularPrimaryAxisFrictionValue (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.angularPrimaryAxisSlide (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.angularPrimaryAxisSlip (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.angularPrimaryAxisStaticFrictionScale (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.angularSecondaryAxisFollowPrimaryAxis (bool): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.angularSecondaryAxisFrictionModel (int): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.angularSecondaryAxisFrictionValue (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.angularSecondaryAxisSlide (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.angularSecondaryAxisSlip (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.angularSecondaryAxisStaticFrictionScale (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.angularVelDamping (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.autoAngularDampingEnabled (bool): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.autoAngularDampingTensionRatio (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.autoSleepThresholdAngularAccel (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.autoSleepThresholdAngularSpeed (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.autoSleepThresholdLinearAccel (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.autoSleepThresholdLinearSpeed (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.autoSleepThresholdSteps (int): - Refer to engine's documentation
- Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.compliance (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.convexAsRandom (bool): - Refer to engine's documentation
- Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.fastMoving (bool): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.linearPrimaryAxisFrictionModel (int): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.linearPrimaryAxisFrictionValue (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.linearPrimaryAxisSlide (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.linearPrimaryAxisSlip (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.linearPrimaryAxisStaticFrictionScale (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.linearPrimaryValue (vector[3]): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.linearSecondaryAxisFollowPrimaryAxis (bool): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.linearSecondaryAxisFrictionModel (int): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.linearSecondaryAxisFrictionValue (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.linearSecondaryAxisSlide (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.linearSecondaryAxisSlip (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.linearSecondaryAxisStaticFrictionScale (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.linearVelDamping (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.materialUniqueId (int): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.primitiveAsConvex (bool): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.randomAsTerrain (bool): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.restitution (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.restitutionThreshold (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.skinThickness (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
Joint properties (target is a joint)
averageJointForce (double, not writable): - Force applied on average (in a simulation step)
bullet.normalCfm (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
bullet.posPid (double[]): - Refer to engine's documentation
- Refer to engine's documentation
- Refer to engine's documentation
calcVelocity (double, not writable): - Calculated joint linear or angular velocity
color.diffuse (color (float[3])): - Diffuse color
color.emission (color (float[3])): - Emission color
color.specular (color (float[3])): - Specular color
- Cyclic revolute joint, has no limits
dependencyMasterHandle (int): - Handle of master joint (in a dependency relationship)
dependencyParams (double[]): - Dependency parameters (offset and coefficient)
- Joint control mode, when in dynamic mode
- Dynamic position mode (0: default, 1: Ruckig)
- Dynamic velocity mode (0: default, 1: Ruckig)
engineProperties (string): - Engine properties as JSON text
- Joint limits (lower and upper bounds)
intrinsicError ( pose, not writable): - Intrinsic error, generated by some physics engines
intrinsicPose ( pose, not writable): - Intrinsic pose (includes a possible intrinsic error)
- Joint size
jointForce (double, not writable): - Force applied
- Joint size
- Joint mode
- Joint linear/angular displacement
jointType (int, not writable): - Joint type
maxVelAccelJerk (double[]): - Maximum velocity, acceleration and jerk
mujoco.armature (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.dependencyPolyCoeff (double[]): - Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.frictionLoss (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.frictionSolimp (double[]): - Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.frictionSolref (double[]): - Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.limitsSolimp (double[]): - Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.limitsSolref (double[]): - Refer to engine's documentation
- Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.posPid (double[]): - Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.springDamping (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.springRef (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.springSpringDamper (double[]): - Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.springStiffness (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
newton.posPid (double[]): - Refer to engine's documentation
- Refer to engine's documentation
- Refer to engine's documentation
- Refer to engine's documentation
- Refer to engine's documentation
- Refer to engine's documentation
- Refer to engine's documentation
- Spherical joint quaternion
- Screw lead
springDamperParams (double[]): - Spring damper parameters
- Maximum force to exert
- Position to reach by controller
- Velocity to reach by controller
vortex.axisFrictionEnabled (bool): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.axisFrictionLoss (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.axisFrictionMaxForce (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.axisFrictionProportional (bool): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.axisFrictionValue (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.axisLimitsLowerDamping (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.axisLimitsLowerMaxForce (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.axisLimitsLowerRestitution (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.axisLimitsLowerStiffness (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.axisLimitsUpperDamping (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.axisLimitsUpperMaxForce (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.axisLimitsUpperRestitution (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.axisLimitsUpperStiffness (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.frictionEnabledBits (int): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.frictionProportionalBits (int): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.posPid (double[]): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.relaxationEnabledBits (int): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.xAxisOrientFrictionCoeff (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.xAxisOrientFrictionLoss (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.xAxisOrientFrictionMaxTorque (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.xAxisOrientRelaxationDamping (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.xAxisOrientRelaxationLoss (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.xAxisOrientRelaxationStiffness (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.xAxisPosFrictionCoeff (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.xAxisPosFrictionLoss (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.xAxisPosFrictionMaxForce (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.xAxisPosRelaxationDamping (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.xAxisPosRelaxationLoss (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.xAxisPosRelaxationStiffness (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.yAxisOrientFrictionCoeff (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.yAxisOrientFrictionLoss (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.yAxisOrientFrictionMaxTorque (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.yAxisOrientRelaxationDamping (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.yAxisOrientRelaxationLoss (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.yAxisOrientRelaxationStiffness (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.yAxisPosFrictionCoeff (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.yAxisPosFrictionLoss (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.yAxisPosFrictionMaxForce (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.yAxisPosRelaxationDamping (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.yAxisPosRelaxationLoss (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.yAxisPosRelaxationStiffness (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.zAxisOrientFrictionCoeff (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.zAxisOrientFrictionLoss (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.zAxisOrientFrictionMaxTorque (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.zAxisOrientRelaxationDamping (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.zAxisOrientRelaxationLoss (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.zAxisOrientRelaxationStiffness (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.zAxisPosFrictionCoeff (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.zAxisPosFrictionLoss (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.zAxisPosFrictionMaxForce (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.zAxisPosRelaxationDamping (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.zAxisPosRelaxationLoss (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
vortex.zAxisPosRelaxationStiffness (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
Dummy properties (target is a dummy)
- Assembly tag
color.diffuse (color (float[3])): - Diffuse color
color.emission (color (float[3])): - Emission color
color.specular (color (float[3])): - Specular color
- Dummy size
- Dummy type
engineProperties (string): - Engine properties as JSON text
- Handle of the linked dummy
mujoco.jointProxyHandle (int): - Handle of the joint proxy (MuJoCo only)
mujoco.limitsEnabled (bool): - Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.limitsRange (double[]): - Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.limitsSolimp (double[]): - Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.limitsSolref (double[]): - Refer to engine's documentation
- Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.springDamping (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.springLength (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
mujoco.springStiffness (double): - Refer to engine's documentation
Light properties (target is a light)
attenuationFactors (double[]): - Attenuation factor
color.diffuse (color (float[3])): - Diffuse color
color.emission (color (float[3])): - Emission color
color.specular (color (float[3])): - Specular color
- Enabled
lightColor.diffuse (color (float[3])): - Diffuse color
lightColor.emission (color (float[3])): - Emission color
lightColor.specular (color (float[3])): - Specular color
- Light size
lightType (int, not writable): - Light type
povray.castShadows (bool): - Light casts shadows (with the POV-Ray renderer plugin)
spotCutoffAngle (double): - Spot cut off angle
- Spot exponent
Camera properties (target is a camera)
- Camera size
clippingPlanes (double[]): - Near and far clipping planes
color.diffuse (color (float[3])): - Diffuse color
color.emission (color (float[3])): - Emission color
color.specular (color (float[3])): - Specular color
frustumCornerFar (vector[3], not writable): - Far corner of view frustum
frustumCornerNear (vector[3], not writable): - Near corner of View frustum
parentAsManipulationProxy (bool): - Use parent as manipulation proxy
perspective (bool, not writable): - Perspective projection mode, otherwise orthogonal projection mode
- Resolution (relevant only with vision sensors)
- Rotation enabled
- Show view frustum
trackedObjectHandle (int): - Tracked scene object handle
translationEnabled (bool): - Translation enabled
- View angle (in perspective projection mode)
- View size (in orthogonal projection mode)
Vision sensor properties (target is a vision sensor)
backgroundColor (color (float[3])): - Background color
backgroundColorFromEnvironment (bool): - Background color from environment
clippingPlanes (double[]): - Near and far clipping planes
color.diffuse (color (float[3])): - Diffuse color
color.emission (color (float[3])): - Emission color
color.specular (color (float[3])): - Specular color
depthBuffer (double[], not writable): - Depth buffer
emitDepthChangedEvent (bool): - Emit depth change event
emitImageChangedEvent (bool): - Emit image change event
- Explicit handling
frustumCornerFar (vector[3], not writable): - Far corner of view frustum
frustumCornerNear (vector[3], not writable): - Near corner of View frustum
- Ignore Depth buffer (faster)
- Ignore RGB buffer (faster)
- RGB buffer
- Omit packet 1 (faster)
perspective (bool, not writable): - Perspective projection mode, otherwise orthogonal projection mode
povray.aperture (double): - Aperture (with the POV-Ray renderer plugin)
povray.blurDistance (double): - Focal blur distance (with the POV-Ray renderer plugin)
povray.blurSamples (int): - Focal blur samples (with the POV-Ray renderer plugin)
- Focal blur (with the POV-Ray renderer plugin)
- Render mode
- Resolution (relevant only with vision sensors)
- Sensor size
- Show view frustum
- External input
- View angle (in perspective projection mode)
- View size (in orthogonal projection mode)
Proximity sensor properties (target is a proximity sensor)
- Angle threshold, 0.0 to disable
backFaceDetection (bool): - Back face detection
- Close threshold: if a detection occures below that threshold, it is not registered. 0.0 to disable
color.diffuse (color (float[3])): - Diffuse color
color.emission (color (float[3])): - Emission color
color.specular (color (float[3])): - Specular color
detectedNormal (vector[3], not writable): - Detected normal vector
detectedObjectHandle (int, not writable): - Detected scene object handle
detectedPoint (vector[3], not writable): - Detected point
- Exact mode
- Explicit handling
frontFaceDetection (bool): - Front face detection
randomizedDetection (bool, not writable): - Randomized detection
rayColor.diffuse (color (float[3])): - Diffuse color
rayColor.emission (color (float[3])): - Emission color
rayColor.specular (color (float[3])): - Specular color
sensorPointSize (double): - Sensor point size
sensorType (int, not writable): - Sensor type
- Show volume
- Angle and inside gap for disk- and cone-type volumes
volume_closeEdges (double[], not writable): - List of segments (defined by pairs of end-point coordinates) visualizing the close threshold of the volume
volume_edges (double[], not writable): - List of segments (defined by pairs of end-point coordinates) visualizing the volume
- Number of faces (near and far) for cylinder-, disk- and pyramid-type volumes
- Offset of detection volume
volume_radius (double[]): - Radius for cylinder-, disk- and cone-type volumes
- Range/depth of detection volume
volume_subdivisions (int[]): - Number of subdivisions (near and far) for cone-type volumes
- X-size (near and far) for pyramid-type volumes
- Y-size (near and far) for pyramid-type volumes
Force sensor properties (target is a force sensor)
color.diffuse (color (float[3])): - Diffuse color
color.emission (color (float[3])): - Emission color
color.specular (color (float[3])): - Specular color
consecutiveViolationsToTrigger (int): - Consecutive violations to trigger
- Filter sample size
filterSensorForce (vector[3], not writable): - Filtered force vector
filterSensorTorque (vector[3], not writable): - Filtered torque vector
- Filter type
- Force threshold
forceThresholdEnabled (bool): - Force threshold enabled
intrinsicError ( pose, not writable): - Intrinsic error, generated by some physics engines
sensorForce (vector[3], not writable): - Measured force vector
- Sensor size
sensorTorque (vector[3], not writable): - Measured torque vector
torqueThreshold (double): - Torque threshold
torqueThresholdEnabled (bool): - Torque threshold enabled
Graph properties (target is a graph)
backgroundColor (color (float[3])): - Background color
- Buffer size
color.diffuse (color (float[3])): - Diffuse color
color.emission (color (float[3])): - Emission color
color.specular (color (float[3])): - Specular color
- Buffer is cyclic
foregroundColor (color (float[3])): - Foreground color
- Size of the 3D graph representation
Point cloud properties (target is a point cloud)
- Size of the oc-tree cell/voxel
color.diffuse (color (float[3])): - Diffuse color
color.emission (color (float[3])): - Emission color
color.specular (color (float[3])): - Specular color
colors ( buffer, not writable): - Point colors
- Maximum number of points in an oc-tree cell/voxel
- Use an oc-tree structure
pointDisplayFraction (double): - Fraction of points to be displayed in an oc-tree cell/voxel
- Point size
points (double[], not writable): - Point positions
OC-Tree properties (target is an OC-Tree)
color.diffuse (color (float[3])): - Diffuse color
color.emission (color (float[3])): - Emission color
color.specular (color (float[3])): - Specular color
colors ( buffer, not writable): - Voxel Colors
- Voxel size
voxels (double[], not writable): - Voxel positions
Script properties (target is a script)
- Menu path of add-on
addOnPath (string, not writable): - Path of add-on
- Script content
color.diffuse (color (float[3])): - Diffuse color
color.emission (color (float[3])): - Emission color
color.specular (color (float[3])): - Specular color
- Execution priority
executionDepth (int, not writable): - Execution depth
language (string, not writable): - Language
resetAfterSimError (bool): - Reset after simulation error
- Restart on error
- Script is enabled
scriptName (string, not writable): - Script name
- Size of the script's 3D representation
scriptState (int, not writable): - Script state
scriptType (int, not writable): - Script type
Mesh properties (target is a mesh, i.e. shape item)
color.diffuse (color (float[3])): - Diffuse color
color.emission (color (float[3])): - Emission color
color.specular (color (float[3])): - Specular color
color.transparency (double): - Transparency
- Color name
convex (bool, not writable): - Whether mesh is convex or not
- Backface culling
indices (int[], not writable): - Indices (3 values per triangle)
normals (double[], not writable): - Normals (3*3 values per triangle)
objectType (string, not writable): - Object type
rawTexture ( buffer, not writable): - Texture
- Shading angle
shapeUid (int, not writable): - Unique identifier of parent shape
- Visible edges
- Texture apply mode
textureCoordinates (double[], not writable): - Texture coordinates
textureID (int, not writable): - Texture ID
textureInterpolate (bool): - Interpolate texture
- Texture repeat U
- Texture repeat V
textureResolution (int[2], not writable): - Texture resolution
vertices (double[], not writable): - Vertices