CoppeliaSim's library

CoppeliaSim offers a wide range of functionality via its graphical user interface. For more customized scenarios where fine-grained control of the simulation loop is required (e.g. reinforcement learning), it also offers the flexibility to be used as a library within custom programs.

Using CoppeliaSim as a library consists in loading the CoppeliaSim's library (regular or headless library):

  • Windows: LoadLibrary("coppeliaSim.dll") / LoadLibrary("coppeliaSimHeadless.dll")
  • Linux: dlopen("") / dlopen("")
  • macOS: dlopen("libcoppeliaSim.dylib") / dlopen("libcoppeliaSimHeadless.dylib")
  • then creating a secondary thread (the simulation thread), and:

  • calling simInitialize to initialize.
  • calling any other API functions, and/or calling simLoop until simGetExitRequest returns false
  • calling simDeinitialize before termination.
  • Finally, in the main thread (the UI thread), calling simRunGui. Argument to simRunGui can be used to toggle on/off individual part of the interface (use sim_gui_all to enable all), or to run in GUI suppression mode (sim_gui_headless).

    When using the headless library, there is no need to create a secondary thread, or call simRunGui

    C++ client

    The default main client application that comes with the installation package is a C++ application: coppeliaSimClient, but also available in <CoppeliaSim folder>/programming/. It compiles to coppeliaSim.exe (Windows), or coppeliaSim (macOSX and Linux).

    Python client

    A complete working example of loading the CoppeliaSim library in Python is given in coppeliaSimClientPython, but also available in <CoppeliaSim folder>. From your command line:

    $ python3 ./ --help (display run options) $ python3 ./ (run CoppeliaSim with GUI and local coppeliaSim lib) $ python3 ./ -O=0 (run CoppeliaSim with minimalistic GUI and local coppeliaSim lib) $ python3 ./ -h (run CoppeliaSim with emulated headless mode and local coppeliaSim lib) $ python3 ./ -H (run CoppeliaSim with true headless mode and local coppeliaSimHeadless lib) $ python3 ./ -L <path/to/CoppeliaSim/library> (run CoppeliaSim with specific lib)

    In this section, relevant parts are explained.


    Module coppeliasim.lib handles the load and setup of core functions (simInitialize, simDeinitialize, etc...) via ctypes.

    import builtins import threading # set the path to the coppeliaSim's library: builtins.coppeliasim_library = "/path/to/" # import the coppeliaSim's library functions: from coppeliasim.lib import * # start the sim thread (see in the next section) if trueHeadless: simThreadFunc() else: t = threading.Thread(target=simThreadFunc) t.start() simRunGui(sim_gui_all) # use sim_gui_headless for headless mode t.join()

    SIM thread loop

    The basic implementation of simThreadFunc simply executes the application until quit is requested:

    def simThreadFunc(): simInitialize(appDir().encode('utf-8'), 0) while not simGetExitRequest(): simLoop(None, 0) simDeinitialize()

    Another possible scenario would be to manually control the operations used to setup a simulation environment (e.g. sim.loadScene) and to execute a simulation, e.g. by manually stepping for a predetermined amount of steps:

    def simThreadFunc(): simInitialize(appDir().encode('utf-8'), 0) # script bridge, see next section import coppeliasim.bridge coppeliasim.bridge.load() global sim sim = coppeliasim.bridge.require('sim') sim.loadScene('path/to/scene.ttt') simStart() for i in range(1000): t = sim.getSimulationTime() print(f'Simulation time: {t:.2f} [s] (running in stepped mode)') simStep() simStop() simDeinitialize() def simStart(): if sim.getSimulationState() == sim.simulation_stopped: sim.startSimulation() def simStep(): if sim.getSimulationState() != sim.simulation_stopped: t = sim.getSimulationTime() while t == sim.getSimulationTime(): simLoop(None, 0) def simStop(): while sim.getSimulationState() != sim.simulation_stopped: sim.stopSimulation() simLoop(None, 0)


    The coppeliasim.bridge module provides seamless access to the regular API used by scripts.

    Instead of moduleName = require('moduleName'), use moduleName = coppeliasim.bridge.require('moduleName').

    All other API functions can be used normally.


    import coppeliasim.bridge # load the bridge component: coppeliasim.bridge.load() # fetch API objects: sim = coppeliasim.bridge.require('sim') # call some API function: program_version = sim.getIntProperty(sim.handle_app, 'productVersionNb')


    Some regular API functions use callbacks, i.e. they take a function parameter, and call it one or more time during the execution of the function or at a later time. Examples are sim.moveToConfig, simIK.findConfigs, simOMPL.setStateValidationCallback, etc...

    To use Python functions as callbacks, those need to be exposed as C functions, and called via CoppeliaSim's C function wrapper.

    A C callback function is called with an int argument being the handle of the stack containing input/output arguments, and has to return an int, nonzero in case of success, e.g.:

    def myCallback(stackHandle): # use CoppeliaSim stack API to read input args, e.g.: doubleValue = ctypes.c_double() if simGetStackDoubleValue(stackHandle, ctypes.byref(doubleValue)) != 1: print('error in reading double from stack') # return 0 for error: return 0 doubleValue = doubleValue.value simPopStackItem(stackHandle, 1) # and so on... # use CoppeliaSim stack API to write return values simPushInt32OntoStack(stackHandle, 42) stringRetVal = 'xyz' simPushTextOntoStack(stackHandle, stringRetVal) # return 1 for success: return 1

    for convenience, a coppeliasim.stack.callback decorator can be used, which automatically performs reading input arguments from stack and writing return values to stack for most common types, also handling of exceptions:

    import coppeliasim.stack @coppeliasim.stack.callback def myCallback(arg1, arg2, arg3): print('myCallback called with args:', arg1, arg2, arg3) ret1, ret2 = 42, 'xyz' print('myCallback returning:', ret1, ret2) return ret1, ret2

    In both cases, the callback has to be registered with simRegCallback:

    from ctypes import CFUNCTYPE, c_int # signature is always int(int), i.e. the undecorated callback: myCallback_c = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_int)(myCallback) # note: maintain a reference to above variable for the whole lifetime # of the application, otherwise it will be garbage collected and # it will crash when called by C # callback with index 0 will be available under the name 'ccallback0': simRegCallback(0, myCallback_c)

    The callback can be referenced by the name 'ccallback0' (or 'ccallback1' and so on...) and called by e.g. sim.callScriptFunction('ccallback0', sim.scripttype_sandbox, 0.25, 400, 'str') or passed to API functions and plugins that accept (Lua) callbacks.

    Refer to coppeliaSimClientPython/ for the complete code.